Playing the Long Game

Playing the Long Game starts with a mindset: it’s all FROM GOD and it’s all FOR GOD. When we give, we are “giving back” what God gave us in the first place. And that’s where joy is found, on the giving side of life. The more you give, the more you enjoy what you keep. And you discover that you cannot out give God. Every investment in God’s kingdom earns compound interest for eternity.
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Redeem the Time

Time is measured in minutes, but life is measured in moments. Redeeming the time is discerning those critical moments, holy moments, teachable moments and making the most of them. It’s living each day like it’s the first day and last day of our lives. It’s being fully present right here, right now. And, ultimately, it’s trusting God’s timing.
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Color Brave

Inaction is an action. Indecision is a decision. And sometimes silence sanctions! If you follow Jesus, you will love people who aren't like you. Being color blind isn't enough. We're called to be color brave!
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Know Thyself

The key to discovering WHO YOU ARE is remembering WHOSE YOU ARE
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Fight One More Round

Hope confronts the brutal facts with unwavering faith. It knows that 1) This too shall pass 2) Its ok to not be ok 3) The obstacle is the way!
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Faith is a Muscle

Faith grows stronger the same way a muscle does. You have to stretch it, exercise it, and feed it. You break it down to build it up.
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The Homing Instinct

At the end of the day, I want to be famous in my home. Success is when those who know you best respect you most. It starts with the last verse in the last chapter in the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi 4:6. God wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children.
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The Ring Master

You aren’t the mistakes you’ve made. You are who God says you are.
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Play for Keeps

The Bible is the Promise Land--there are thousands of promises. If we claim them, God will keep them.
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