It’s Always Darkest Before Dawn

If you find yourself in a dark place, Pastor Mark shares four helpful hacks: 1) It’s always darkest before dawn 2) Widen your aperture 3) Live in day-tight compartments 4) Let your light shine
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The Gift of Brokenness

The heart of God is always oriented toward things that are broken. That’s how the grace of God seeps into the crevices of our heart. That’s also where mission begins. You need to inventory the broken places in your life, because those are the very places where God wants you to help others heal.
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Knock, Knock

God loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to leave you that way! He is the God of comfort, but our comfort isn’t His ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is that we would be conformed to the image of Christ. What makes us think we can be conformed to His image without going through some of the same things Jesus went through? The good news is God is working all things together for good. Our job? One, learn the lessons God is trying to teach us. Two, cultivate the character God is trying to grow in us.
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I Am Alphabet

The power of prayer is not the words we chose. The power of prayer is the God we pray to--the Alpha and Omega. He is God Most High, but He is also God Most Nigh. He is God with us, no matter what. Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus!
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Unsung Heroes

There never has been and never will be anyone like you. That isn’t a testament to you. It’s a testament to the God who created you. But what that means is this: no one can volunteer your time, no one can use your talent, no one can give your treasure. Don’t let what you cannot do keep you from doing what you can!
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A God-Sized Vision

God’s vision for National Community Church is bigger than ours. Why? Because it’s not our church, it’s His church. And Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against.” Why would God give us a city block in the nation’s capital? Because God wants us to be a bigger blessing to our city!
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A Theology of The City

Our vision is much bigger than simply building a church. Our vision is to bless the city to the third generation. Our vision is to seek the peace and prosperity of the city by loving it and serving it. Our vision is to have such a significant impact that the history of Washington, DC cannot be written without mentioning National Community Church.
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Throwing Better Parties

When people think of “church” they don’t often think of “party” but that’s a recurring theme in the gospels, a recurring theme in the parables of Jesus. From day one, our dream for NCC has been that when people miss church they actually miss church. Why? Because that’s where the party is at. Throwing better parties is part and parcel of following Jesus.
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Changing the Narrative

The first four letters of every testimony is “test”. Once you pass the test, you get a testimony. And once you get it, you need to use it. Why? Because it’s not “your” testimony. God is writing His story through your life! Your testimony is your gift to the world.
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Seed the Clouds

Most of us get stuck spiritually because we’re waiting for God to make a move while God is waiting for us to make a move. Quit watching the clouds and start seeding them. Delayed obedience is disobedience!
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