Kiss the Wave

January 8, 2021


Mark Batterson Weekly Devo

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I have a friend who has had a migraine for five years. Moments of relief are few and far between. The pain became so debilitating that he eventually had to resign from the church he was pastoring. He’s been to countless specialists. He’s tried a wide variety of treatment plans. Nothing seems to help much or for long.

I asked him how he’s managed the pain and the emotions that go with it. He said, “I’ve learned to kiss the wave.” I must have given him a quizzical look, so my friend explained. He was quoting Charles Spurgeon: “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”

Kissing the wave doesn’t mean we don’t experience storms or get seasick during them. The good news? There is a God who can rebuke the wind and the waves with these words: “Peace, be still.” But before you rebuke the storm, you need to accept it. You can’t move past the pain if you ignore it or hide it or deny it.

A few years ago, Lora and I found ourselves thrown against the Rock of Ages. Lora was diagnosed with breast cancer. If you’ve had cancer or have a loved one who has, you know that a thousand questions fire across your synapses. What stage is it? How do we treat it? What is the prognosis?

When you get cancer, denying the diagnosis does no good. If you don’t own it, it will own you. Kissing the wave is confessing what’s wrong—in this case, cancer. But it’s also professing what’s right—God’s healing power. Remember my miraculous healing from asthma? It began with a brave prayer. For Lora, the healing process began with a brave question she stumbled across while reading a poem about illness:

What have you come to teach me?

When we find ourselves in difficult situations, we get so focused on getting out of them that we fail to get anything out of them. Then we wonder why we find ourselves in the same situation all over again. There is nothing wrong with asking God to change your circumstances, but His primary objective is changing you. The circumstances you’re asking God to change may be the very circumstances He is using to change you.

In the words of John Piper, “Don’t waste your cancer.” You can fill in the blank with whatever challenge you face. Don’t waste it! Maybe it has come to teach you a lesson that could not be learned any other way! Kissing the wave starts with a brave question: What have you come to teach me?

You don’t need to sabotage yourself—that’s for sure. Suffering will find you soon enough. When it does, you must recognize that it has the power to enrich your life in a way that nothing else can. If you find yourself in a season of suffering, that is a difficult sentence to read. I acknowledge that, and I don’t stand in judgment over others, because I don’t stand in their shoes. I don’t pretend to know the trauma you’ve endured. I do know this: everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.

Lora and I have experienced our fair share of grief and pain and disappointment. I’m not sure where we rank on the bell curve, especially compared with those who have experienced injustice or aren’t sure where their next meals are coming from. Like our memories, suffering is subjective. We have some long-lasting regrets, like every parent I know. We have deep wells of sadness, like every person I know. We have walked through the valley of the shadow of death more than once, and we have the emotional scars to prove it. We’ve also seen God turn some of our toughest tests into our most treasured testimonies. We wouldn’t want to live those seasons all over again, but we wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. Every testimony starts with test. Pass the test, and you get a testimony, and testimony is the way you overcome the next obstacle!

Excerpted from Win the Day: 7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More. Copyright © 2020 by Mark Batterson. Used by permission of Multnomah, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

Mark Batterson

Mark Batterson

Mark Batterson serves as lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC. NCC also owns and operates Ebenezers Coffeehouse, The Miracle Theatre, and the DC Dream Center. Mark holds a doctor of ministry degree from Regent University and is the New York Times bestselling author of 17 books, including The Circle Maker, Chase the Lion, and Whisper. Mark and his wife, Lora, have three children and live on Capitol Hill.


  1. Harriet on January 14, 2021 at 3:42 am

    Wonderful writing.

  2. Dave Appleton on January 17, 2021 at 6:22 pm

    Thank you so much for your words! We have a men’s small group going we call Watchmen. Based on Ezekiel 33:6. This week we start reading and discussing Win the Day, the vulnerability that is coming out due to the book is amazing. I love all your books, and this one is definitely a winner!

  3. Lea Ankenbauer on January 23, 2021 at 8:57 am

    That was just what I needed to hear. Thank you

  4. Raven on January 23, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    Thank you for writing The Circle Maker. Although I purchased the book several years ago, I recently read it. I am now reading your book The Grave Robber. I really enjoy your writing style and the words speak to my Spirit.

    At age 15, my son, who has autism began having seizures. When my son was 19 years old, he flatlined during a seizure on the way to the hospital. I always rode in the back of the ambulance with him. I prayed to God to let me “keep” him and He did!

    Miracles do happen and can happen instantly!

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