Genius: The Genius of Suffering

When you trace the genealogy of genius, the genesis usually involves some PAIN and SUFFERING. Genius is not born of comfort. It’s born from, born for adversity. SUFFERING is the SEEDBED of genius. God redeems it and recycles it for His plans, His purposes.
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NCC Easter Sermon 2022

When Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, it was GAME OVER. Death was undefeated, but there is a God who turns GRAVES into GARDENS. It's not over until God says it's over. Don't put a PERIOD where God puts a COMMA. Just when it seems like all is lost, God has a supernatural surprise up His sovereign sleeve!
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People of the 2nd Chance with Prison Fellowship

God has not, cannot, and will not give up on you. It’s not in His nature. He is the God of second, third, and hundredth chances. We are never beyond the need of God’s grace and we are never beyond the reach of God’s grace. When we extend God’s grace to others, we become People of the Second Chance.
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Courage: The Courage of Calling

At critical junctures in our lives, situations present themselves that call for courage. Are you going to let FEAR or FAITH dictate your decisions? Are you going to OFFEND GOD or OFFEND PEOPLE? Are you going to PLAY IT SAFE or TAKE A RISK? These are the days when decades happen. The courage of calling is risking ME for WE. The courage of calling is enduring present-tense PAIN for eternal GAIN. The courage of calling is living according to biblical convictions—no reserves, no retreats, no regrets.
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LOVE: Unoffended

What we perceive to be our problems are often presenting problems. The root problem? Unforgiveness. We take offense, and let a seed of bitterness grow roots. The net result is unforgiveness. That’s when and where and why we get stuck spiritually. Hurt people hurt people by projecting their repressed pain. Forgiven people forgive people. There is nothing easy about living unoffended, but it’s the solution to a hundred presenting problems!
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Dream: Field Seven

God is raising up a REMNANT—a creative minority, a company of prophets—that operates with an Issachar anointing. They understand the times—supernatural insight. And they bring supernatural solutions to the table—supernatural foresight. God is raising up this DREAM COLLECTIVE to usher in a new season of REVIVAL in the church, REFORMATION in the kingdom, and RENAISSANCE in culture.
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Dream: Renaissance

We have a core value—the church belongs in the middle of the marketplace. We don’t curse the darkness. We light candles. We’re not just building a church. We’re blessing a city. We want to be more known for what we’re FOR than what we’re AGAINST. We criticize by creating! We write better books, make better music, draft better legislation, produce better films, start better businesses. How? With the help of the Holy Spirit.
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Dream: Reformation

If you want to REPEAT history, do the way it's always been done. If you want to MAKE history, do it the way it's never been done before. The solution to our problems is very rarely MORE or LESS of the same. It's DARING to be different. It's DARING to dream again.
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Dream: Revival

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It's time to DREAM again! We're believing God for nothing less than Revival, Reformation, and Renaissance in our nation, in our generation. The capacity to dream is part of the image of God, and the supernatural byproduct of a Spirit-filled life. Show me the size of your dream, and I'll show you the size of your God. It's time to dream big, pray hard, and think long!
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God With Us: The Peace That Passes Understanding

The Hebrew word for peace is SHALOM. Shalom is RELATIONAL HARMONY and it’s four-dimensional. It’s right relationship with God, Self, Others, and Creation. How do we experience the peace that passes understanding? First and foremost, peace is a PERSON. His name is Jesus, the Prince of Peace. If you want to experience shalom, there are three keys: 1) Confess Your Sin 2) Love Your Enemies 3) Prophesy Your Praise
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