Don't Settle for Less Than You're Called to Bless

New York Times bestselling author and pastor invites readers to pursue, recognize, and flip every blessing from God. He provides the tools necessary to inventory one's blessings and participate in double blessing - that moment when a blessing in your life is leveraged to doubly bless another.
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God doesn’t bless us to raise our standard of living. God blesses us to raise our standard of giving, and that’s where true joy is found. The New York Times bestselling author of Chase the Lion challenges us not to settle for half of what God offers when it comes to blessings—we are BLESSED to BLESS.
His discovery started with a simple experiment. Whenever Batterson received a blessing, he would give a similar blessing away. If someone paid him a compliment or gave him a gift or went out of their way to help him, he would return the favor by doing something similar for someone else.
We flip the blessing by blessing others in the way God has blessed us. That’s how the blessing becomes a double blessing. It turns giving into a game—one we can’t win because God will always outgive us! It’s an ancient truth found within the Abrahamic covenant: “I will bless you . . . and you will be a blessing.”
In other words, we are blessed to bless. The first blessing is receiving, but it doesn’t end there. The second blessing is giving it away! That’s the double blessing. And that’s where double joy is found.
In a day and age where the idea of blessing has been reduced to a hashtag (#blessed), Batterson challenges readers to pursue true, God-glorifying blessing and experience an exponential impact by participating in the double blessing.
Don’t settle for half of what God offers. Discover how you can both get it and give it . . . in Double Blessing.
Read the 5-Day YouVersion Reading Plan for Double Blessing (it’s free!)
Listen to the Double Blessing audio book!
Double Blessing Sermon Series from Mark!
PART 1 – “Original Blessing”
PART 2 – “The Attitude of Gratitude”
PART 3 – “Flip the Blessing”
What People are Saying about Double Blessing

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