
A Million Little Miracles Study Guide

You may think you've never experienced a miracle, Mark Batterson says you have never not. In this study guide that complements Batterson's book, A Million Little Miracles, the New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day helps us take note of the many ways God is constantly moving in our midst, revealing his greatness, and reminding us of his goodness.

In our age of instant access to information, we are in danger of losing our grip on our most ancient emotion—childlike wonder. What we need is to cultivate a holy curiosity. For what? For everything! Too many of us are so wrapped up in our own worlds, that we end up worship a god who looks like us, thinks like us, and votes like us. As a result of our impoverished view of God, most of us are only living life at half capacity.

In response, Batterson invites us to consider the miraculous work of God going on around us every day. He highlights three aspects of God that we take for granted: God is bigger than we think, closer than we realize, and better than we can imagine.

In this compelling, author-curated guide, readers will engage key questions, dig into the Bible, and complete activities that help them take inventory of the millions of miracles God is accomplishing in their lives every day.


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